Tape for support and performance.
Benefits of taping
Move Freely
Reduce Risk of Injury
Reducing Swelling and Inflammation
Create Spaces in Joints
Improve Blood and Fluids Circulation
Stimulate Bruise and Contusion Recovery
Prevent and Relieve Muscle Spasms and Cramping
Accelerate Muscle Recovery
Support Injured Muscles
Guarantee Comfort
Improve Muscle Tone and Strength
KT tape provides support and pain relief before, during, and/or after an activity. Range of motion is not limited. KT tape, combined with the body’s ability to heal itself, can provide therapeutic relief to a variety of populations and diagnoses.
The goal of tape is to enhance blood circulation at targeted areas; such as muscles and soft tissue, thereby reducing pain and improving recovery time following an injury. The taping creates a pulling action that helps to hold problematic joints and muscles in place as you go about your daily business and routine—including engagement in any level of physical activity or exercise.
The tape works by gently reinforcing the skin, pulling it away from your muscles, thereby allowing blood and other fluids to circulate more easily. The gentle pressure also cues the body to send additional blood to the taped area.
This improved circulation lessens swelling and speeds healing. Some evidence suggests that the tape’s exceptional holding abilities also help to correct misaligned muscles and ligaments, overall supporting muscles.
If you’re an athlete looking for that edge, a runner who needs knee support, or someone who just wants to walk without pain, our expert team will evaluate you for the best therapies, including kinesiology taping, to target your injuries.